Every holiday I try and bake something relative to that holiday.
This Valentines Day I came across Love Bugs on
The Cake Blog, they were absolutely adorable.
I am not even close to perfecting how to decorate cakes and cupcakes but I try my best.
I did go a little bit of a different route than did...
I usually go the old route and bake the cake and then add the frosting to the cake to make the cake balls but since these had so much frosting on the outside I bought a cake ball cooking pan and they came out like these:
Instead of fondant (which I am not the biggest fan of) I made chocolate heart feet. I melted chocolate melts, took some non-stick foil, and traced little hearts onto the foil so I knew where to put my chocolate and then placed them in the fridge to get hard again:
Once the hearts were hard, I started frosting the bottom of the cake balls first so it will stick to the heart and then made my way to the top. I also took cake pop sticks, cut them in half, and the put mini marshmallows on top (dipped those in chocolate and covered them with sprinkles). The sticks were antennas and then I added the candied eyes to finish. Making most of it edible and tasty.